Saturday, January 21, 2012

Office Humor

I know I have been at the office too long when the little things begin to make me want to laugh out loud. You know those days, the ones where you worked through lunch, the times your computer crashed and you had to fix it and then redo your entire report, or the days where the break room was out of coffee, the list goes on.

A favorite game to play in cubicle land is celebrity-employee look alike. In my office we have a guy that looks like Dwight from "The Office", a girl who vaguely resembles Amy Farrah Fowler, and a guy who looks like that hot doctor from some show I can't remember, but he's dreamy. This game makes interacting with coworkers interesting, as you can pretend you are chilling with a celebrity.

I am a fan of the Dilbert comic, and the schadenfreude it provides helps me get through the longer days. I am very thankful that my office is not like that, if it was I would quit. The efficient management of my workplace might have something to do with the fact that it is owned by the senior engineers who are screwed if the company makes illogical decisions like the ones Dilbert parodies.

My favorite piece of office humor has to be Sh*t the Interns Do. We have had really professional interns and ones you have to wonder how they made it through the door. One asked me if they could use the title "Senior Intern" on their company correspondence, while another had a motivational poster of a bikini clad girl next to a dated photograph of a young lady in a modest (ancient) bathing suit that read,"PROGRESS looks like this." Another (underage) intern was sipping on what looked like beer in a plastic cup (it was actually apple juice). Kids these days.